
every time Trump opens his mouth, he lies. 構文

every time Trump opens his mouth, he lies. トランプは口を開けば嘘ばかり言う。これはイディオムではないし決まった言い方でもないのだが、いつでも言えるようにしておこう。 1:41 he lies every time he opens his mouth. トランプの奴は事あるごとに口からでまかせを言う。

Former GOP Rep. Joe Walsh: 'I'm going to run for president'

2:44 I wouldn't bother to serve him anything. every time he opens his mouth, a complaint comes out. こんな奴なんかに何も出さなくていい。口を開けば文句ばかり。

Hope Springs | Episode 3 | Part 3

6:08 this guy lies every time he opens his mouth.ロバート・ダーストは口を開けば嘘をつく。

Robert Durst's Alleged Trail of Crimes

4:41 he doesn't know the first thing about fighting terrorism. and his ideas, every time he opens his mouth about his ideas, show that he doesn't. トランプはテロとの戦いについて何も知らない。奴は何か言うたびに自分の無知をさらけだしている。

Evan McMullin: Donald Trump’s Intel Briefing Threat To National Security | MSNBC

b-3675 every time he opens his mouth, every single time