Buying Memory Lane
0:10 there was a time that Manila was known as the Paris of Asia. that was nearly a century ago. and of the few old grand structures that remain are in disrepair, but this building in the heart of old Manila is getting a new lease of life. そして現存するいくつかの古きよき時代のビルは営繕が必要な状態にある。このビルは旧マニラの中心にあり、新たな息吹を吹き込まれている。
Growing movement in the Philippines to preserve heritage
6:22 because entry to the island was forbidden for decades, they have fallen into disrepair. 島への立ち入りは何十年も禁止されていたので、島は荒れ放題になっていた。
BEGIN Japanology - Remote Islands
0:32 their main school building has fallen into such disrepair, they've had to board it up and move classes out of the classrooms. 本校舎は修繕の見込みが無いほどガタが来たので、教室外で授業をすることとなった。
The Final Touchdown
0;15 meaning trains were used less and less. eventually the railbeds and tracks fell into disrepair. 自動車網の発達により鉄道は次第に使われなくなり、軌条やルールは使用不可能な状態に陥ってしまった。
The Environmental Challenges Faced by Ecuador’s Train System
a-6830 in disrepair
a-6831 in a state of disrepair
a-6978 in a good state of repair = in good working condition
a-7290 in disrepair
b-2442 fell in disrepair
b-5102 in great disrepair
b-5868 in disrepair
b-6086 fell into disrepair