
rot in hell 地獄で朽ち果てろ

rot in hell, rot in jail なども定番表現。2:17 he is going to rot in a cell. he will then rot in hell. and I say farewell Pell. (幼児に対して性的虐待を行ったペル枢機卿に対して)奴は牢屋で朽ち、地獄で朽ち果てるが良い。ペルよ、さらばだ。

Australia's Cardinal Pell loses child sex abuse appeal

0:59黄色の蛍光紙に ROT IN HELL と書かれている。

Protesters' fury as Cecil the lion's killer Walter Palmer returns to work

1:56 新聞の見出し he must rot in jail

What The Pistorius Case Reveals About South Africa | TIME

4:40 they wanted to see him rot in a jail cell.獄中自殺を遂げたエプスタインの被害者たちは奴が一生牢獄に繋がれることを望んでいた。

Questions swirl after accused sex trafficker died by suicide in his jail cell

3:38 that piece of shit, may he rot in hell. 俺の妹を姪二人を殺したブタ野郎には終身刑を。

Father charged in deaths of wife, daughters

1:19 you are a sorry excuse of a man. I hope you go to jail and rot in hell. あんたのような男の風上にも置けないような人間はさっさと刑務所に行って野垂れ死ねばいい。

The Horrific Vacation Mel B Took With Nanny Who Allegedly Had Affair With Ex

a-8099 rots in hell