Rita Coolidge - We're All Alone (1978) HD 0815007
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyxcPUkGY3s 2:14 the two counties have a tense history that is doing them no favors in calming the waters. ドイツのギリシャの緊迫した歴史は両国間の緊張を解きほぐすためには何の役にも立っていない。
Why Do Greece And Germany Hate Each Other?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttGs0tbrqPs 0:00 after all this fright, you may need something to calm your nerves. 存分に恐怖を味わったら、何かで緊張を解きほぐさなくちゃね。
Toni On! New York: Have A Cocktail & Snack To Calm Your Nerves
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/02/self-soothing.html self-soothing
a-2148 calming their nerves