Why are these celebs fighting?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQfrMjJShN4 2:01 Sports Illustrated took a swing at practical jokes when they introduced eccentric rookie baseball player Hayden “Sidd” Finch. スポーツ・イラストレイテッド誌までもが架空の野球選手のエイプリルフールの悪い冗談をとばした。
Best April Fools' Day Jokes and Pranks of All-Time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBBC-xL_MTg 1:19 she took a swing at me. この女性はボクに殴りかかってきた。
Teen's gun-firing drone triggers federal probe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab-swkfaV9s 0;01 Recently the FCC took another swing at what's loosely called net neutrality. 最近、連邦通信委員会はインターネットの中立化に対してまた規制をかけようとした。
Did Net Neutrality Just Kill the Possibility of a Free Internet, or Pave the Way for It?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/08/come-out-swinging.html come out swinging
a-2152 take a swipe at