
go against the grain 逆を行く

go against the grain は人の逆を行く、流れに逆らうと言う意味です。2:27 your inclination is going to be to buy gold. I will be buying silver. I'll be going against the grain. 皆さんは金と買うでしょうが、わたしは逆に銀を買います。人の逆を行くのです。

Silver Could Be Gold Times Ten - Mike Maloney
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4ixxeZWpow  1:20 people carve the turkey like this. that's with the grain. wrong! you want to carve against the grain. I work against the grain, Sara.
Sara Moulton's Turkey Carving Tutorial

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/02/blog-post_5007.html  木目(もくめ)を英語でなんと言うか?

b-0728 cut your meat against the grain
b-1226 going against the grain
b-1407 go against the grain