Life Update: I quit my job in Japan
0:16 I'm Wes Larson, a wildlife biologist and lover of the outdoors for as long as I can remember.
Discovering the Mystery of the Eagle Ray
1:01 19-year-old Ilham Fauzi has wanted to be a pilot for as long as he can remember. パイロットになることが子供の頃からの夢だった。
✈️ How Safe are Asia's Airlines? | 101 East
5:27 for as far back as anyone can remember, people have been fascinated by the idea of flying. 有史以来、ヒトは空を飛ぶことに魅了されてきた。
Inside the Boeing 787 Dreamliner cabin - Exclusive tour by Boeing expert
0:02 for as long as Rick Kimberly can remember, his family has been working these Iowa cornfields.
US drought puts farmers at risk
参考リンク 見渡す限りを英語でなんと言うか?
b-0691 for as long as he can remember