
unsightly 見た目が悪い

unsightly 見苦しい、みっともない、見栄えが悪い。0:17 when it comes to walking while eating, we hear complaints about it being unsightly.

Japanese city of Kamakura warns tourists not to eat and walk at the same time

0:19 Ben Wilson has been painting miniatures on the unsightly splodges for years. ベンさんは路上の吐き捨てガムに小さな絵を描き続けてきた。

A surprising new afterlife for chewing gum – BBC London News

18:20 first, it looks unsightly. it also leads to corrosion. 機体が汚れていると、まず、見た目が悪いでしょ。それに放っておくとさびの原因になります。

The Wonders of Air Travel in Japan Japanology

0:40 it does look pretty tatty, to be honest. so you know, it's frayed and a bit unsightly. 国旗のボロボロにみえます。擦り切れていて、見栄えがちょっとわるい。

Tattered Flags Finally Replaced At State Landmarks

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2013/10/blog-post_9796.html   紳士にあるまじき振る舞いを英語でなんと言うか?