Did White House Try to Hide USS John McCain From Trump?
1:01 why was he so obsessed with finding this treasure? どうしてあなたのお父さんは宝探しにそんなにこだわっていたの?
Daughter of Man Who Vanished Looking for Buried Treasure Fears the Worst
0:27 why are you so obsessed with me? どうして私のことがそんなに気になるの?
Clinton tweets 'Mean Girls' GIF to Trump
4:31 teens are obsessed with everything that has her name on it. ティーンエージャーたちはカイリー・ジェンナーの名を冠した商品ならなんでもその虜(とりこ)になっている。
The debate around Kylie Jenner 'self-made' billionaire Forbes title
0;54 obsessiveness 強迫観念
What It Feels Like To Take Adderall When You Don’t Have ADHD [Body & Mind]
a-6563 is obsessive about
a-6564 obsessing over
a-6892 obsessed with
a-7700 obsessed with
b-3322 how obsessed people are with
b-5643 obsessed with