

英語も日本語と同じ発想でthrow cold water on(冷や水をかける)と表現します。0:41 the news we're getting from the labor market is throwing cold water on that idea. (マスコミや政治家たちは経済が回復基調にあると囃し立てているが)労働市場からの報告内容はそれに冷や水をかける形となっている。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apj5mbAx4Jk&feature=g-all-a&list=PL7FA9A520574D9006&context=G2b12ff0FAAAAAAAAEAA  0:33 the report does throw cold water on the recent optimism over the state of the labor market. この報告内容は最近の雇用状況の楽観的な見方に水を差す形となった。

0;45 the South Korean government made a quick decision on July 29th to install THAAD launchers. that decision threw cold water on steadily improving ties between our two countries.

South Korea's THAAD deployment decision pours cold water on ties: Chinese FM

a-8172 threw cold water on
a-8575 throwing cold water on
a-9447 throwing cold water on the idea
b-0932 poured cold water over
b-3323 threw cold water on the notion
b-3840 poured cold water on it
b-4103 poured cold water on
b-4364 pouring cold water on
b-5512 threw cold water on