

1:02 I think, to be honest, I think the Puerto Rican problem is (4 words) for the US than what's happening in Greece. ギリシャのデフォルトよりもプエルトリコのデフォルトのほうがアメリカにとってはもっと切迫している。

Not Much Difference Between U.S. and Greece


0:38 and it is a very very short fuse between European markets and the United States. (3 words), Anderson, if there are real,,, real volatility in Europe, the US is going to feel the effect. ヨーロッパの金融市場とアメリカとの距離はかなり短いから、ヨーロッパの大波乱はアメリカに間違いなく影響するよ。

How a Greek default could impact the U.S.


3:05 what's the probability of a Grexit for you? I think it's about 50/50. I don't think the Grexit is (1 word) as people think. ギリシャがユーロ圏を離脱する可能性は?半々でしょうな。ギリシャの離脱は巷が言うようにお膳立てされたものじゃないと思いますね。

Why Is Gold Not Reacting To Greece? - RBC's George Gero | Kitco News


0;37 Christie hoping this morning that the luck he had here in Livingston High will (3 words) his national campaign. ニュージャージー州知事のクリス・クリスティ氏は1970年代に自分が学級委員を務めた母校で大統領選への出馬を表明する予定だ。ここでの運気が大統領選に乗り移るとゲンを担いでいるのだろう。

Christie To Announce 2016 Run


002 two passengers on a Japanese bullet train died after another (3 words). a fire department official confirmed that the man had died. 注;最初の文章を読むと一人が火をつけて二人死んだので合計三人いるかのようですが、次の文章で火をつけた男も死んだとなっているので、合計で二人かな?と思ってしまう。英語の文章がはっきりしない。

Two die after man sets himself alight on Japanese bullet train


xx international school とかかれたバスとすれ違った。大人なら15人ほど乗れる中型バスに子供が沢山乗っていた。多分このinternational school という幼稚園では英語と日本語のバイリンガル教育をするのだろう、、、、 かわいそうなのは子供たちだ。子供には母国語である日本語を叩き込むべし。英語は外国語のままで結構。だから、英語教育は高校課程で個人の選択科目にしたようがいい。外国人を見たら親切に日本語で話しかけてあげるように指導するのが教育だと思う。相手がどうしてもわからない時に仕方なく話してあげるのが英語

Bewitched - 50 Years of Magic... in ten minutes


1:10 you have not lost in spite of today's losses. that is (5 words). 今日のダウは350ドル吹っ飛んでしまいましたが、確定拠出年金(401k)についてはもともと値動きがよくなかったので、今日の取引でも大した怪我は無かったようです。それは、地獄で仏のようですね。

Wall Street Tanks and Prepares For More Volatility


0:54 politicians are all talk and no action. we have to be less (2 words). and we have to be strong. and you know you xxx xxx. you really (2 words) when you tell the truth. 政治家は口先ばかりで、実行しない。だから建前はいいから、もっと強気にならなければ、しかしだ、本音を言うと結構叩かれるものさ。注;本音を言えばいいというものではない、本音を言い始めると結局は時代に逆行して戦国時代にもどってしまう。だから、本音はオブラートに包むのが現代人が身につけた知恵。どこぞの市長が米軍兵は赤線をして欲しいとか言っていたのとダブる。

NBCUniversal dumps Donald Trump


0:14 without the free flow of cash, the Greek economy could (4 words).現金が回らないようでは、ギリシャの経済活動は麻痺してしまう。

Uncertainty ahead as cash flow dries up for Greeks


2:07 but Spain isn't (4 words) either. しかし、スペインも峠を越したわけではない。

Greece's Debt Crisis Has Overshadowed Spain's Quiet Recovery - Newsy

キリストの十字架と INRI

下のニュースで、女性レポーターの名前が Isa Soares となっている。0;47 の字幕、発音はイーザ ソアレス 2;34 だ。何が問題かといえば、Isa の部分 これは、英語の Jesus の意味。ちなみに、キリストが磔(はりつけ)にされた十字架には、かならず INRI とかかれている。Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews 「ナザレのイエス、ユダヤ人の王」 の意味だ。

Cash shortages and financial chaos plague Greece

a-8235 Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews


1:22 Raymond James' take on what's going on today. it is (5 words). 大荒れの今日の証券取引について米証券大手レイモンド・ジェームズは大海に投じられた一粒の石のようなもので、市場への影響は限定的との見解を示した。

After Greece turmoil, advice for small investors


055 so I've been very very strong on immigration. but I've been very strong on immigration. and we have to be. and I've (5 words). and it's unnecessary very unfair xxxx. 移民問題については強い立場だ。アメリカは移民問題についてもっと強く取り組まなければならない。私はこの件で強い批判にさらされている。あらぬそしりだ。

NBC to Donald Trump: You're Fired


0;01 a dramatic scene is unfolding this morning in Greece. there is (4 words) as people rush to withdraw their money ahead of a possible Greek exit from the Eurozone. 預金引き出しが相次いでいる。

Run On Banks In Greece Before Possible EU Exit


0;38 all they can take out is around 66 bucks, that's it. (6 words). they're taking out money anyway they can.

Photos: Greece Imposes 60 Euro Limit on ATM Machines


0:05 the Greek debt crisis deepens even further as Greece shuts banks and imposes capital controls after the European Central Bank (4 words). ECBがギリシャの銀行への資金供給を停止してから、ギリシャは資本規制と銀行休業を導入、ギリシャ債務危機はより深刻なものになった。

DAY BREAK 06:00 Greece to keep banks shut, introduce capital controls as debt crisis deepens


政治家の街頭演説、辻立ちする時のお立ち台は日本ではみかん箱やビールケースなどがよく使われる。向こうでは soapbox が定番だ。0;01 well, many may not know the Nation Football League was founded in 1920 at the height of the Golden Age of Soapbox Oratory. 皆さんはご存じないかもしれませんが、NFLは街頭演説の絶頂期の1920年に創設されました。and back in the day, the opinionated didn't go on Twitter but instead grabbed an empty wooden crate usually from a shipment of soap and stood on their soapbox and let fly. その昔は、何か言いたいことがあれば、ツイッターなどはせずに、石鹸の入っていた木箱を持ってきて、そいつの上の乗って、まくし立てる、、でした。

Cris Collinsworth on a Soapbox - INSIDE THE NFL
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZCQo_UnVBU  0:11 Zuccotti Park has become a sort of National soapbox. 「ウオール街を占拠せよ」の本拠地のズコッティ公園は意見の発信地となった。
Occupy Wall Street raises $300k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeRs8tWGalo  4:34 you'll be on a soapbox? no, I'm not going to be on a soapbox. あなたは街頭演説でもしてイギリスのEU離脱反対を訴えるつもりですか?
MarrShow: Richard Branson grovelling for UK to stay in EU (28Jun15)

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2015/07/bully-pulpit.html   bully pulpit について
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2016/03/stump.html   stump の意味

b-1508 get on a soapbox

block of flats

block of flats とは一棟のマンションのことです。1:55 we didn't want to live in a block of flats where a lot of people were away. 人気の無いマンションには住みたくなかった。

London's Luxury Retirement Complexes | FT World
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doSwGLWJerI  0:29 a block of flats teeters on the brink of collapse. 集合住宅一棟(ひとむね)が今にも崩れ落ちそうだ。 North battered by storm

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDvKP4-m_p8  1:04 one bedroom flat = 1 bedroom house/apartment
Floating Home | George Clarke's Amazing Spaces | Channel 4

a-4649 a block of flats
a-9017 a block of flats
a-9058 a block of flats
b-1738 a block of flats
b-1789 on a block of flats


clean up act と言います。1:07 and an opportunity to clean up her act. アメリカのじゃじゃ馬娘がイギリスの学校で矯正されるいい機会。

Wild Child (2008) Official Trailer #1 - Emma Roberts, Aidan Quinn Movie HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0qn2I1eIzs  0:50 as the country prepares for landmark elections, its quasi-civilian administration and the former military rulers behind it wants show they have cleaned up their act. 年末の総選挙に余念の無いミヤンマーでは、旧軍事政権の幹部たちに操られる半文民選挙委員会が「新しく生まれ変わったミヤンマー」アピールしたい考えだ。 Myanmar grapples with jade troubles | FT Business

a-2205 cleaned up their act
a-3232 cleaned up their actbr
a-3649 clean their act up
a-7053 cleaned up its act



0:03 the treasure of Trinity. it's a fortune stolen from Incan kings. and (3 words) it's been hidden somewhere along the Brazilian coast. 伝説によれば

Sneak Peek - Treasure Quest: Snake Island | Fri July 17 10/9c


0:20 in a trusting relationship, you don't (3 words).

Chris Christie to join 2016 field


2:28 we must simply (3 words) the fact that on the Greek side, there is no will to reach a compromise. and they broke off the negotiations and they wanted to hold a referendum. 、、、ギリシャ救済のためには何らかの妥協点を見出す必要があったが、忘れてはならない点は、ギリシャ側には妥協する意志がなかったこと、そして一方的に交渉を打ち切り、国民投票をやると言い始めたこと、、

GREECE DEBT CRISIS - Country has received a generous offer says Angela Merkel


9:54 I was able to find an active sex worker who spoke to me (5 words).

The New Era of Canadian Sex Work


044 so if all the banks are shut, that means basically commerce starts to (4 words).ギリシャでのすべての銀行の業務停止は、経済活動が停止することを意味します。

Greece to close banks, stock market to head off economic collapse


9:22 hey, (3 words)! 言葉使いに気をつけろ

Old Fashion Soap Box Preaching | Street Preaching with Jesse Morrell in Dallas TX


2:29 they didn't (3 words) the idea that the only people coming to America from Mexico are rapists and criminals. Univision ユニビジョンはトランプ氏のアメリカに来るメキシコ人は犯罪者発言を問題視し、(トランプ氏のミスユニバース放映を中止することを決定した。)

Trump To Sue Univision Over Miss USA


5:03 if there were another round of talks, you know, there's clearly a lot of deep mistrust between both sides, Greece and the Troika. and it seems like they're (3 words). it's such a tedious process. 国民投票の結果、ギリシャ国民がユーロ残留を決めて、IMF EC ECB の支援を仰いだとしても、ギリシャとIMF EC ECBの間には大きな溝ができてしまったから、交渉はまた同じことの繰り返しになる。かなり粘り強い交渉過程になる。

ECB rejects new emergency support for Greek banks


2:23 now the Noodle is getting all the love. Ruby is on high alert. and she's now (2 words) her owner's attention.

Jealousy Bites | Brain Games


1:07 these babies are now showing clear signs of (1 word).

Jealousy Bites | Brain Games


inch closer でじわじわ迫る、刻一刻と迫るの意味になります。inch closer to something の形をおぼえるといいでしょう。3:00 and even as the two countries slowly inch closer, a vast Gulf remains between a multi-billion dollar business and this island's national sport. アメリカとキューバの国交回復は刻一刻と迫っているが、メキシコ湾がが大リーグとキューバ国技の野球を依然、隔てている。

How Some Cuban Players Make It to Major League Baseball

1:07 but as she inched closer to graduation, reality set in. 卒業が間近に迫り、(学費が不足している)現実に気が付いた。、、、そこで、援助交際を始めた。

SeekingArrangement.com on 20/20 College Sugar Babies

7:47 meanwhile the costs of inaction seem to be inching ever closer to home. 環境問題に対して何の手も打たないことへの代償は以前にもまして実感できるようになってきた。注;inch closer + close to home の複合イディオム。

The economic options for combatting climate change

8:03 electric self-driving vehicles are inching ever closer to becoming a widespread reality.

Top 10 Predictions for 2016

2:40 as the Moon inches away from the Earth each year, one day billions of years from now, the Moon will be too far away to fall completely within Earth's umbral shadow. 月が毎年数センチずつ地球から遠ざかるにつれ、数億年後は月は地球の本影内から外側に出てしまう。そうなると、もう赤胴色のブラッドムーンは拝めないことになる。

Lunar Eclipse 101 | National Geographic

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/11/blog-post_3836.html  迫りくるを英語でなんと言うか?

a-7787 inching closer
b-4749 inches closer to


1;03 you mean someone might get hurt? you could be an English teacher probably, except if you don't understand plain English, do you? 怪我の可能性アリってこと?物分りがよければ、英語の先生にでもなれたものを、、この町を出て行け!

Stven Seagal : FIght scene Fire Down Below
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceu1L1KIlUs  1:32 let me translate that for you. I'm going to translate that political speak into plain English. ジェブ・ブッシュの言ったことをわかりやすく噛み砕いて説明しましょう。
Bobby Jindal enters presidential race
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSEl8bF6xOk  1:02 in plain English, rather than having the cabins ordered by class you have space in the back for working and in the space in the front for enjoying the view. わかりやすく解説すれば、キャビン内をエコノミー、ビジネス、ファーストのようにクラスで仕切るよりも、機内の後方を仕事用に、そして前方を景色を眺めるようにするということだ。
Airbus reveal 'plane of 2050'
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gq5oboz4Cs  3:50 finally, someone speaks English. やっとまともな話が出来る奴に出会ったよ。 Top 10 Superhero Geniuses
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/07/now-were-talking.html  now we're talking
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/01/kantan-na-kotoba-wakariyasui-iikata.html  簡単な言葉を英語でなんと言うか?

envy の使い方

envy は動詞か名詞のどちらかで envious が形容詞。名詞の場合は the envy of として使われる。形容詞の envious は envious, envious of の形で使われる。5;30 I envy you. 動詞

Travel Tips: How You Need to Pack to Study Abroad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_62R4iZoLUo  29:07 I envy you, Regan, she's a marvelous dancer.
Diamond Girl.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pO2DnAMzos  2:14:52 you're a kind and good man. I envy you. but I can't be like you. A Tale Of Two Cities 1980
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HLfZ1FMwuA  0:06 Apple's done it again. their latest iPad Air is blazingly fast incredibly light-weight and the envy of all other tablets. 名詞
CNET Top 5 - Reasons you may not want an iPad Air
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n6DryGtdew  0:32 she is the envy of women everywhere 名詞
Jennifer Aniston's Beauty Secrets
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDNMPiKHEJ8  1:04 Oh, wow, like I'm so jealous of your life style. or good for you, I'm so envious. it's not something to be envied. Exercise Overload: Are We Pushing Ourselves Too Far?

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/03/blog-post_7691.html  うらやむとねたむについて
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/06/jealous.html  jealous の使い方

jealous の使い方

jealous は形容詞で、使い方としては、jealous, jealous of, jealous at の三つを頭に入れておけばいい。1:26 are you sleeping with him? are you jealous? 奴と寝てるのかい?それって、やきもち?

The Face of an Angel TRAILER 1 (2015) - Cara Delevingne, Kate Beckinsale Drama HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_guvcH6MiU  0:40 I was jealous at you. 0:48 I was jealous of Rebecca.
Mary and Rebecca Share a Moment | Return to Amish
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGqgswZ3FJk  3:24 he was pathologically jealous of him. ピエトロ・トッリジャーノは竹馬の友のミケランジェロに対して病的ともいえる嫉妬心を抱いていた。
A Very British Renaissance Episode 1. The Renaissance Arrives BBC Documentary 2014
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDNMPiKHEJ8  0:58 I'm so jealous of her physique. 彼女のボデーがうらやましい。
Exercise Overload: Are We Pushing Ourselves Too Far? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rSSmgXEKuY  0:47 jealousy 名詞
Queen - Jealousy (Official Lyric Video)

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/03/blog-post_7691.html  うらやむとねたむについて
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/06/envy.html  envy の使い方

a-1920 jealousy
a-5473 jealous
a-6956 jealous of



3;23 Katherine (3 words) in her spine but ignored the pain.キャサリーンは椎間板がヘルニアになったが、痛みをこらえていた。= ぎっくり腰になった。

Exercise Overload: Are We Pushing Ourselves Too Far?


8:35 a child genius, Reed had multiple degrees (3 words) by the age of 20, including mathematics, physics and quantum mechanics. 数学、物理学、量子力学

Top 10 Superhero Geniuses


4:37 this scientist is a living testament to '(6 words).'

Top 10 Superhero Geniuses


1:33 this is going to be a precarious few minutes. let's see, if you make a mistake here, might be your last. sweeping around. look how he goes over to the left-hand side here. waiting to see what (5 words) is. ここからの数分が用心です。ここでのミスは命取りですよ。ぐるーっとまわって、左に思いっきり寄って、前方がよく見えるようにしていますね。

Scary descent Tour de France


0:59 Greek people are quite pragmatic. say it's like (3 words). ギリシャ人たちは理想とか夢を見たりしないから、現実に起こることを受け入れるさ。

Greece bailout fears spark ATM panic, as parts of country run out of money


1:07 Eurozone ministers meeting in Brussels (2 words) the Greek government, accusing it of unilaterally breaking off the talks. ギリシャ救済のためのベルギーでの会合に出席したユーロ圏の財務相たちはギリシャが一方的に国民投票を表明し、事実上の交渉を打ち切ったことを受け、ギリシャ支援を打ち切ることを決めた。

Greece debt crisis: Fear as bailout extension rejected


0:47 stuck (7 words), some might say, the onus is on the Greek people to decide whether or not to accept the deal proposed by the country's international creditors. 苦境に陥ったギリシャに、債権者たちからの提案を受け入れるのかを決める責任はギリシャ国民が負っていると言う人もいる。

Brussels puts its foot down: financial aid for Greece to expire on June 30


0:17 there's something that Jenna and I have in common you may not know about. Jamaica. my grandparents, my maternal grandparents were born on the Caribbean island. and I was actually born on the island. we recently return there together to (3 words) and visit some old family and friends.

The Many Faces Of Jamaica


0:20 it is you. (5 words).

The Gift TRAILER 1 (2015) - Rebecca Hall, Jason Bateman Thriller HD


1:23 ruth (3 words) her mother.ルツは実家に身を寄せた。

How does 'toxic stress' of poverty hurt the developing brain?


1:03 the woman particularly just (6 words), she was like I'm fine, everything's great... 不眠実験で、この女性は実に優等生だった。。。

On the Set of Sleep | Brain Games


0:01 (12 words) well, certainly not (1 word).

The World's Ugliest Dog has been crowned in California


0:53 just the other night, I was (4 words). now here I am. on the grandest ship in the world, having champagne with you fine people.

Titanic 3D | "First Class Dinner" | Official Clip HD


toss and turn といいます。0:15 if you're having a tough time sleeping, try not to stay in bed tossing and turning. 寝付かれないのなら、寝返りを打ちながら無理にベッドの上にいることは止めましょう。

What to Do When You Can't Sleep | Sleep Problems
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7WWQ21-7_I  1;20 study showed people toss and turn more next to someone else. 誰かと一緒に寝ると余計に寝返りを打つとの研究結果がでている。
Couples Find Peace Through ‘Sleep Divorce’ | NBC Nightly News
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP6B9HttRI8  0;22 and though your dreams may toss and turn you now,,,
Cat Stevens - Oh Very Young

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/01/blog-post_20.html  ご先祖様があの世で泣いているを英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2010/03/blog-post_4030.html  不安(心配)で眠れないを英語でなんと言うか?

a-6275 tossing and turning


舞台の両脇を wings といいます、ここで控える(出番を待つ、待ち構える)ことを wait in the wings といいます。0;19 I am done with waiting in the wings. あんたの出世の縁の下の力持ちはもうやめた。これからは私が主役。

The Politician's Husband Trailer - BBC Two
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta25I2CbDVw  0;01 US figure skater and Olympic favorite Nancy Kerrigan is leaving a practice in Detroit, but someone is waiting in the wings. 女性フィギュアスケート選手のナンシー・ケリガンは練習を終えて控え室に戻ろうとしたが、何者かが物陰に潜んで彼女を待ち構えていた。。
Tonya vs. Nancy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du93YGyAtXk  5:14 President Putin is waiting there in the wings. 借りた金を返さないギリシャにこれ以上の追い銭は盗人にはやれないという立場のEU,IMFにアメリカはうまくやらないとプーチンの奴か手ぐすね引いて待っていると説いている。
Last chance for a Greek deal | FT Comment

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2009/12/blog-post_2694.html  待ち伏せを英語でなんと言うか?

a-2041 waiting in the wings
a-2873 waiting in the wings
a-2878 waiting in the wings
a-4904 waiting in the wings
a-6766 waiting in the wings
b-2507 from the wings


尿失禁、お漏らしをするは pee (in) my pants です。0:57 what if you really had to go? I would've peed my pants. 本当にもよおしてたら?もらしちゃっただろうね。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t0FaXePjOk  3;31 I'm gonna to pee my pants.もう、もらしちゃう!
Ke$ha Bio: Her Life and Career
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtWKTpsUZAY  4;23 I'm gonna pee my pants right now. I'm gonna pee my pants. うっそ、もれちゃうじゃないの。もらしちゃう。
Flash Mob Proposal (Justin & Brittany) - Official
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrqh1y62aKk  6:40 by this point, I have probably peed on myself. I'm so excited. このとき、あんまり興奮してて、ちょっとちびっちゃったかも。 Deborah Norville: My First Big Break

a-2282 piss in your pants



2:44 we humans love to invent. we've been doing it for thousands of years. but how many of our inventions really (5 words)?

Future Technologies That Will Change The World (Full Documentary)


1:22 Edward Sullivan and his husband remember a time in this country when they didn't talk about being gay. but (3 words).

Celebrations Hit The Streets Outside Of Stonewall


0;02 News of the impending referendum has caused alarm for some in Greece. The country's Central Bank says deposits are now at their lowest level since May 2004. But while there is concern for some, for others there is (3 words).ギリシャがEU支援条件を巡り国民投票を実施することで、国民の間には不安が広まり取り付け騒ぎが起こり、金融機関の準備資金は2004年以来最低水準になった。この事態を異常事態ととる人もいれば、諦めムードと安堵感をもって迎える国民もいる。

Greece: mixed reaction to referendum decision


2:25 I will never (4 words). hey, we know that, man. あんたらを売ったりしないよ。わかってるさ。

Alpha Dog Official Trailer #1 - Bruce Willis, Justin Timberlake Movie (2006) HD


0;22 she's (3 words). a pygmy owl won't do. コシジロイヌワシはえり好みが激しい。スズメフクロウには食指が動かない。

Eagles Hunt Prey Together - Wild Arabia - BBC


4:04 my sense is that they will (6 words) again. if I was asked to bet on it, I wouldn't bet much more than 10 euros. ギリシャ問題の結末について、EU,IMFは今回も債務不履行は起こさせないように、何からの方法で問題を先送りするだろうが、ギリシャの将来については10ユーロをかけるのが精一杯だね。

Last chance for a Greek deal | FT Comment


0:29 progress on this journey often comes in small increments, sometimes (6 words).

Obama: We've made our union a little more equal


45;40 the engineers were keep to share the complicated earthquake science behind the system, but (7 words). 新幹線に使われている対地震安全遮断について色々話してもらったけど、さっぱりわからなかった。

Japanese High Speed Bullet Train - BBC Documentary


1:06 once that (6 words), so to speak, there's no putting it back in. もしギリシャのユーロ離脱を許せば、次から次へと離脱者のでるかもしれない、パンドラの箱を一度あけてしまうと二度と閉めることはできないのさ。

Will Greece break the euro?


13:18 here it is (3 words).

Japanese High Speed Bullet Train - BBC Documentary


職探しにあちらこちらを歩き回ることを pound the pavement といいます。18:36 coming up empty on her job search, Emilia continues to pound the pavement. 職探しに行って何の収穫も無かったが、エミリアさんは職を求めて今日も街を歩く。

Hard Earned - Minimum wage
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2hH4wNUyx0  0:04 last month we told you about two men taking some extreme measures to find a job and bringing a whole new meaning to that term 'pounding the pavement.' 足で職を探すと言う言い方があるが先月放送した二人の男性の話しはこの言い方の解釈を具現化したのもです。
Unconventional job hunter lands a job

a-3654 pounding the pavement


come down to を頭に入れておけばいいでしょう。all come down to は強調形です。2;55 I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. 夢のメキシコはあっち、そしれ俺たちは堀の中、、でも帰するところは自分の道を選ぶことさ。

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying - The Shawshank Redemption HD 720p
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jaz1J0s-cL4  0:37 but the question comes down to this. 質問の帰するところはここです。本当に聞きたいのはこれです。
Donald Trump doubles down on calling Mexicans 'rapis..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq3_G3_wylo  0:43 what artificial intelligence ultimately comes down to. どんな人工知能が最終的に出来上がるのか。
Artificial Intelligence
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyGxZh7rNgE  0:56 I never imagined it was going to come down to this. こんな結果になるとは思わなかったよ。
'Liar' Armstrong ruined our lives - former teammate
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzOaHz-e7TE  1:37 I think it'll all come down to money at the end of the day. 最後は金目でしょ
Arguing for and against proposed new high speed rail in UK (28July11)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iqNEiAI1lY  0:51 it all comes down to supply and demand. つまるところは需給の関係だ。
Price of coffee set to rise

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2022/06/20220629-a.html   私の英語ノート 2022/06/29-a

a-4855 it all comes down to
a-6306 comes down to
b-0044 comes down to
b-4059 come down to

slash / スラッシュ

slash とは / スラッシュ です。2:03 well, I was going to say 'intern/best friend.' インターン兼ベストフレンド

The Intern Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Anne Hathaway, Robert De Niro Movie HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I380GKMVrO8  0:37 I am shooting for kind of a hybrid Christmas gift / we've just adopted their two kids and I want to get birth stones in the gift.
The Perfect Christmas Gift | The Little Couple
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YmvEQezQzc  1:56 let's talk about his son, Kim Jong-un, also known as the current supreme/dear leader of North Korea.
North Korea

a-5316 singer/grocery clerk
a-7591 a medical seminar/retreat
b-3561 /
b-3768 a great / horrible job



0:28 in a country where survey showed many young people have no interest in dating or relationships, young women visiting the ape are (2 words) for Shabani, an 18-year old male gorilla. 熱を上げる、夢中になる

Women flock to 'handsome' gorilla


2:00 I (6 words) that I would ever be in this position. it's a miracle. and I thank my lucky stars. .... thank you Academy and all of you. I am (3 words). このような賞がいただけるとは夢にも思いませんでした。幸運に感謝します。。。。最高です。

Jessica Tandy Wins Best Actress: 1990 Oscars


2:18 what is your (2 words)? insects and people who don't like harry potter. イラつくものは? 虫とハリーポッターが嫌いな人。

Ask a Danish youtuber ANYTHING


0:54 will you marry me? I'm kind of already (1 word), I guess.

Ask a Danish youtuber ANYTHING


1;08 they won't admit that at this percentage of debt it has to be liquidated. the question that goes into their minds is that who is going to get stuck with it. you know, like the musical chair, who's going to (5 words)? ギリシャの債務危機問題についてはギリシャの借金がGDPのかなりのパーセントなので、誰が見ても破産させたほうがいいんだが、問題の本質はだれがこの借金のカタを持つのかということだろう。椅子取りゲームのように音楽がとまった時に誰が貧乏くじを引いているのかということだろう。

Ron Paul: Should the Federal Reserve Bail Out Greece?


43:03 by the power and authority (3 words), I now pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss the bride.

Hard Earned - Minimum wage


26:17 my dad is (2 words). and he told me that no matter what goes on I'll always have your back. 父は心の支えで、何があっても私を助けれくれると言いました。

Hard Earned - Minimum wage


16:33 Diana is in her (2 words), expecting twins. ダイアナは妊娠4ヶ月(五ヶ月、六ヶ月)目で、双子が生まれる予定だ。

Hard Earned - Minimum wage


16:18 Hilton and his girlfriend Diana Gonzalez live in a garage in a trailer park with (2 words).

Hard Earned - Minimum wage


2:52 hi, Tad, thanks for getting coffee. it's about time you (1 word) something.

Hard Earned - Minimum wage


2:17 if you have a spare £15,000 (6 words) and fancy something insanely light with a performance to match, Storck Aernario Platinum Edition could be just the bike for you.

Top 5 - Ultralight Road Bikes


2:38 if countries want to harness the potential benefits of their diaspora, this kind of (3 words) may become increasingly common. もし、貧しい国が海外の同胞の力を拝借したいのなら(インドのように)祖国に尽くした海外同胞に何かしらの見返りを準備するのが一般的なものになってゆくだろう。

What countries want from their diasporas


1:47 here it's illegal to have sex (3 words). パキスタンでは配偶者以外とのセックスは法律で禁止されている。

Selling sex in Pakistan can mean death | DW News


見とれる、見ほれる、、、can't take eyes off 目を離す事が出来ないとはつまり見とれると言うことです。can't take eyes off somebody, can't take eyes off of somebody の両方が使われています。4:11 I couldn't take my eyes off of you. あなたの演技に見とれてしまった。

Will the Judges bend over backwards for Bonetics? | Britain's Got Talent 2015

0:13 he's gorgeous. he can't take his eyes off (of) you. あなたをじっと見つめている。

GUILTY AS SIN - 1993 MOVIE TRAILER - Don Johnson Rebecca DeMornay

1:47 the youngster can't take his eyes off (of) them. 喧嘩から目を離さずじっと見入っている。

Chimpanzees Attack Young Male | Life Story | BBC

0:30 you're just too good to be true. can't take my eyes off of you.

BOY TOWN GANG - Can't Take My Eyes Off You ''MELODY DISCO 1982.divx

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/06/blog-post_3321.html  あくびが出るほど退屈するを英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/02/blog-post_364.html  見入るを英語でなんと言うか?

a-3404 take my eyes off of
a-7503 take the focus off of you
b-3345 take your eyes off her 注;take your eyes off of her と of が有ったほうがいいが、無い場合が多い。


012 (4 words)?

Eating Alone Is The Best // Colleagues


2:48 since I was little I knew (4 words) about me.小さい頃から、皆とは違うと思っていた。

Rebirth of a Transgender Teenager | The New York Times


3:07 I want to ask you about the Trans Pacific Partnership(TPP). (6 words) this right now.

Jim Rickards on Greece debt crisis, China, Iran and Trade, Industry


0:08 a guy in California sets out to prove that women are (1 word).

Killer Heels


2:14 okay, (3 words)?

"You're in my house" Obama shuts down a heckler during speech


honesty is the best policy 正直がなにより。とはよく言われるが、正直者は往々にして馬鹿を見る。1:30 honesty is the best policy.何たって、正直が一番。

Creating the Perfect Sugar Baby Profile on SeekingArrangement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7_yhnmkJ5c 2:45 honesty is always the best policy.
Calling a Spade a Spade: Brent Cook & Mickey Fulp
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBnYaL5DF7U  2;09 honesty is the best policy.
Is Your Spouse Hiding Money from You?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Oqn_Ya6qZ8  37;13 honesty is the best policy. Banacek 2x01 No Stone Unturned Watch Banacek TV Series Full Episodes

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2010/08/blog-post_2984.html  嘘も方便を英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2010/05/blog-post_28.html  正直者は馬鹿を見るを英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/02/fib.html  fib たわいもない嘘
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2010/09/open-door-policy.html  open door policy

a-2915 is honesty always the best policy?
a-4581 honesty is always the best policy
b-4132 honesty is always the best policty

apparition 霊の出現

apparition は幽霊が現れることだが、宗教では聖霊が現れること、特に聖母マリアの出現を指すことが多い。apparition で特に有名なものはフランスのルルドボスニアのメジュゴリエでの聖母マリアの降臨だ。一言付け加えるが、霊、聖霊、悪霊などは存在しないので、apparition は夢物語であることを心に留めておいてほしい。このような現象は tourist trap であることを忘れてはいけない。0:19 when I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be. つらい時、聖母マリアが現れて、心配しなくてもいいとお言葉をかけてくれた。注;ポールの母親の名前も Mary なので、母親のことかもしれない。

The Beatles - Let It Be (Video Oficial)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF4o_pFG9WI  0;38 news of apparition quickly spread. 聖母マリアの出現のニュースは瞬く間に広まった。 Medjugorje documentary, 2009
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUU3mGexy60  4:31 字幕 alleged apparition 幽霊の出現の可能性?
Top 10 Most Haunted Places in the World
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZbhBlbQDZk  3:05 the creepiest part is after the guard enters the room, some sort of apparition seemed to have escaped down the hallway.
5 Unexplained Sightings Caught On Tape (ft. SlappedHam)

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/10/blog-post_20.html  ルルドについて

a-3507 apparition


pass off as の形を使います。7:45 there have been many instances in the past of non-black people passing themselves off for a time or even for life as black in order to become closer to their culture. 非黒人が過去にも一時的、あるいは生涯黒人になりすました例はある。それは黒人文化に馴染むためたっだ。

10 Rachel Dolezal Scandal Facts - WMNews Ep. 32
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Oz0kY31xDo  6:04 if they're trying to pass themselves off as official hotel sites. ホテルの公式ホームページになりすましているのか、(質問しました) The Pitfalls of Booking Hotel Rooms Online



6:23 dating as far back as 2007, Dolezal has been making complaints to police about being the victim of several crimes due to her bi-racial background. this has included threats, hate mail and (1 word) left at her home.

10 Rachel Dolezal Scandal Facts - WMNews Ep. 32


7;53 Europe fears that ISIL (1 word) are hiding among genuine refugees. ヨーロッパはギリシャに上陸する難民にISILのスパイが紛れ込んでいることを懸念している。

Already suffering Greece struggles with flood of migrants


6:45 at this temporary refugee camp run by the Greek coastguard, everyone is (2 words). この難民キャンプでは、誰も写真に撮られたくなかった。

Already suffering Greece struggles with flood of migrants


0:09 some (members) of his own party accused the leader of (4 words) for more austerity. ギリシャの救世主になるはずだったチプラス首相は債権者たちとの会合で選挙公約を破り、債権者に大幅の譲歩をして、ギリシャ国民を裏切った。これに対してチプラス首相の率いる急進左派連合(SYRIZA)党内からも、圧力に屈した腑抜けという批判が噴出している。

Already suffering Greece struggles with flood of migrants


0:04 and he's looking to trade his horse for some horse-power. he needs a ride to match his (1 word). 衣装に見合った車

Nudie's Caddy is a cowboy's dream car


0:42 four flight attendants complaining of nauseous chemical fumes in the cabin, two of them (2 words). 四人のスチュワーデスが気分が悪くなるガスが機体に充満しているようだと訴え、そのうちの二人が気を失った。

Boeing Sued Over Toxic Fumes In Aircraft | NBC Nightly News


0:21 the family of the 22-year old says she's been moved into hospice care where she can have a natural death. as her aunt Pat said Bobbi Kristina is (3 words) now. 故ホイットニー・ヒューストンの一人娘のボビー・クリスティーナは安らかに死ねるようにホスピスに移された。叔母のパットさんはボビーは神とともにある(つまり、もう手の施しようが無い)とコメントした。

Bobbi Kristina Brown in 'God’s hands now’ while in hospice care


1:48 nature's beauty (1 word) moments after its fury.

Fast Moving Storm Leaves Many Rattled In New Jersey


0:02 The latest Eurogroup meeting (3 words) in Brussels without a formal agreement between Greece and its creditors.水曜日のギリシャと債権者側の交渉は結論の出ないまま終わった。

Eurogroup meeting ends without Greece reforms agreement


0:01 it doesn't look like a country in crisis, but (4 words) .

Debt relief dents hopes of Greek deal


3:16 with the snake (4 words), the gliding tree frog disappears back into the jungle.

Frog Dive: How to Fall with Style


1:07 the snake moves effortlessly through the branches, (3 words) the frogs.

Frog Dive: How to Fall with Style


8:55 the pursuit of gold (5 words), and could easily xxx them xx much more.

The Philippines' child miners risking their lives for gold


8;48 child miners like Gerald are trapped in a (2 words) of poverty and danger.

The Philippines' child miners risking their lives for gold


8;39 despite the danger, the mayor feels he needs to (5 words) illegal mining rather than forcing families further into hunger.

The Philippines' child miners risking their lives for gold


025 driven by poverty and hunger, they (3 words) to dig out a few flecks of precious metal, including risking the lives of their children.

The Philippines' child miners risking their lives for gold


in a fix とも言います。
0:09 Felix the cat
The wonderful, wonderful cat
Whenever he gets in a fix 困った時には
He reaches into his bag of tricks 魔法の黄色いかばんが役に立つ
Felix the cat
The wonderful, wonderful cat
You'll laugh so much your sides will ache 笑いこけてお腹が痛くなる
Your heart will go pit-a-pat そして心臓がドキドキする
Watching Felix...
The wonderful cat

FELIX THE CAT Opening Theme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zBu1dOxCSA  10:03 so we're both in the same fix. 二人とも同じ困難な状況に置かれているのね。 MacGyver Season 1 Episode 16 -Every Time She Smiles- Full Episodes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9uDUnywMu0  6:23 we're in a terrible fix, you know I felt like, this President was going to get us out of it but it wasn't going to be easy.
Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Joint Interview

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/06/in-bind.html  in a bind
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/02/in-pickle.html  in a pickle

needless to say

needless to say = it goes without saying, obviously 7:13 it's needless to say that the driver of the all-new BMW 7 Series has access to a multitude of ConnectedDrive services. 新しいBMWの運転手には色々なサービスが当然のことながら付いてくる。

The all-new BMW 7 Series. All you need to know.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WbohHyaqiU  1;10 needless to say times have changed but Mancinelli still loves the social interaction that comes with the job.
World's oldest barber still snips away
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO8nBRkcFEE  0:38 needless to say it does work very well. この車でUSBやBluetoothが使えるのは当たり前。
Test Drive: 2011 Mazda2 GS

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/04/it-goes-without-saying.html  it goes without saying


上から、full professor(正教授), associate professor(准教授 1), assistant professor(准教授 2), adjunct professor(講師)のようになる。つまり講師とは非常勤教授と思えばいい。厳密に言えば非常勤教授には学位があるが講師には無い場合もある、そして lecturer よりも adjunct professor のほうが聞こえがいい。 注;准教授は助教授と呼ばれていた。1:20 this is adjunct professor Richard Wassersug, an expert on the effects of Androgen Deprivation Therapy ADT.

How Testosterone Secretly Shapes Our Society
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zzeGniNXnI  2:29 John Oliver, an adjunct professor of human sexuality at UNF
Sugar Babies grow in numbers on college campuses
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOouOdWZCIg  1:10 he's not now and has never been an adjunct professor there.
Man who assisted in Michael Brown's autopsy a fraud?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YFFzP-PA8A  4:25 lecturer at the Ionian University.アイオニア大学の講師
Temporary Grexit from eurozone an option in case of no deal - EU summit document



1:32 the media will usually censor it and say (1 word), right? and I think that they do that to (6 words). they don't want to offend anyone.

Don Lemon Makes The N-Word Even More Controversial


0;24 ,,,is the controversial Macron law. now it's meant to (5 words).

Econ minister: 'France is back'


2:35 you (2 words). didn't you say 28 (million dollars)? well, I read ahead. oh, (1 word)! ぴったり当てたじゃないの!いやさっき読んだのさ。ずるい。

Living Large: Modern Luxury In A Cherished Neighborhood


0:42 it's (2 or 3 words).

Living Large: Modern Luxury In A Cherished Neighborhood


1:47 the perfect (3 words) in a marriage is that you marry a person (2 words) you meet them.

Have reality TV shows gone too far?


1:14 to me, that be summed up two words,'(2 words).' あの食い逃げ野郎たちを表現するには クソ野朗 がいいね。

Social media helps bust serial dine-and-dashers


0:05 two guys ring up a $250 tab, going to smoke they said, (3 words). 二人の客が250ドル分の飲み食いをして、ちょっとタバコを吸って来るといって、フケてしまった。

Social media helps bust serial dine-and-dashers


0:33 we're all (3 words).

Greeks worried about proposed tax hike | DW News


0:55 now can the company really do it and turn things around for real? that still (4 words) but they're at least on the right track. ブラックベリーが完全復活するかどうかは、まだわからないが、方向は間違ってはいない。

Bury BlackBerry? Not so fast


2:10 do Tone House. if that's not an advertisement, (5 words). 是非トーンハウスで体を磨きましょう。あなたの腹筋が最高の宣伝ですね。

Unleash Your Inner Athlete


6:17 (5 words) the all-new BMW 7 Series is equipped with the latest driver assistance functions by BMW ConnectedDrive. 最新のBMWは最新の運転手補助機能が付いていることは決まりきったことです。

The all-new BMW 7 Series. All you need to know.


resources は resource (単数形)よりも複数形でよく使われます。リーシーズ、リーシーズ、二通りの発音がある。human resources 人材、人事、natural resources 天然資源のようにはっきりとしたものから、 resources(多分お金とか才能)のようにはっきりとしないものまであります。1:30 you need my resources. あんたには私の資金協力が必要だ。

Iron Man 2 Trailer 2 (OFFICIAL)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SZJChX_cOo  3:28 we just wanted to do the best we can with our limited resources we have. 限られた予算内で出来るだけのご奉仕をしたかっただけ。 School lunch: Is $1.50 a child enough?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaoO43UU_SI  0:23 Wadi Al-Jarf was the gateway for one particular resource, copper. ある特定の鉱物資源、銅。
Why Copper Was Vital to Giza's Great Pyramid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9nYLJWpCBI  0:04 Russia has natural resources. 天然資源に恵まれている。
Putin: Whole World Is Turning Towards Asia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHyVhHavAJU  0:13 despite his limited resources.
Pakistan Electrical Innovation: Finding New Solutions in Old Technology
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E52TyAUhJxI  16:56 the Philippines is a land of striking contrast. great beauty, wealth and resources alongside tremendous poverty and destitution. 比国はコントラストが激しい国だ。美しい自然、莫大な富、豊富な天然資源が貧困と背中合わせだ。
Sex Tourism in Angeles City Philippines Full Documentary 2015
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A15uH98PGus  1:08 the experts have questioned whether the state would have the financial and technical resources to build the system.
Kim Jong-un watches underwater test-fire of ballistic missile

a-3109 resources
a-3791 financial resources
a-7284 the financial resources
a-9478 the resources they needed


えり抜く single out です。0:24 African American men shown here in protective gear as well as Japanese American (men) and Puerto Rican soldiers were singled out. 黒人、日本人、プエルトリコ人にマスタードガスの初期人体実験のお鉢が回ってきた

Why the U.S. military exposed minority soldiers to toxic mustard gas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv05Hmu-rFQ  2:01 why is it that Zhou Yongkang was singled out of others? なぜ、周永康だけが目を付けられたのですか?
China's ex-security chief sentenced to life
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMjto82VQlw  0:27 he watched as his black friends were singled out. 黒人の友達だけが狙い撃ちされた。
Texas Cop Resigns after Pool Party Controversy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXCYEfbd7Bg  1;06 a CVS worker singled her out on a store intercom. ロメロさんはラテン系であることを理由にCVS薬局の店員に槍玉に挙げられた。
Lawsuit Claims CVS Required Employees To Racially Profile Shoppers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2zlWm9OK-M&feature=feedu  2:11 we didn't single out any car manufacturer. アメリカ政府は日本のトヨタ自動車だけを狙い撃ちにしてはいない。 US Probe Finds No Electronic Flaws in Recalled Toyotas

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/06/blog-post_37.html  えり好みするを英語でなんと言うか?


trimester は9ヶ月の妊娠を三ヶ月単位に分けたもの、したがって妊娠初期の三ヶ月 first trimester、妊娠中期の三ヶ月 second trimester 、妊娠後期の三ヶ月 third trimester に分類できる。0;27 the hospital director of the San Antonio Hospital which discovered the fetus said it appeared to have survived into the third trimester. この92歳の女性の腹部から成長した胎児の遺体を発見した病院の院長は胎児は妊娠後期の三ヶ月まで女性の腹部で成長したのだろうと語った。

Grandma carried foetus for 50 years
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIMmhD8DSpA  1;17 our finger print patterns are formed in the womb. the skin on our hands grows out of the same fetal layer as our brains right at the same time as the major organs like the heart and lungs are developing in the first trimester.
Heart Line or Life Line: Can You Tell?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9xZ2tH8ArE  0:40 early in pregnancy that first and second trimester is where the fetal brain is developing. that's the period of time where the brain is most susceptible to insults.
Maternal Diabetes Linked to Autism Risk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQk16ZjdLpo  1:08 in their third trimester of pregrancy
CNN's Dr. Gupta: Common household product threat to
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BugY-WNIiKQ  1:28 first trimester, you can keep lifting those weights. second trimester, you need to start scaling back. 最初の三ヶ月は普通にパーベルを持ち上げていいけど、四ヶ月目からは徐々に重さを減らしていきます。
Is Cross-Fit Safe For Pregnant Women?

a-1889 second trimester
a-4162 second trimester
a-5667 the first trimester

just like that こんな風に

このビデオで注意すべき点が二つある。一つは仕草、指をぱちんと鳴らす仕草だ。真似して結構。二つ目は that = これこれを英語でなんと言うか?はhow do you say that in English? となる。同じ意味の英語と日本語でも守備範囲がやや違う。0:17 as you know lightning can happen just like that. ご存知の通り雷は丁度こんな具合に起こります。

Lightning detectors installed at Palm Habor park
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhvcvk67qZw  1:45 if you want to find out, like that. 誰にハッキングされたか、調べたければ、こんな風に(すぐに調べがつきますよ)。 Anthony Weiner Responds in 'GMA' Interview: Is It Him In Twitter Photo?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D22vj88ZO4c  4:10 when I snap my fingers like this,,,

a-2381 just like that



2:33 as the Kazbrella opens up and over the user. it avoids poking people in the eye. and closing is (2 words).

"Drip-free" umbrella the KAZbrella encloses wet canopy on the inside


0:15 once I see a design problem, it becomes (5 words) and I need to find a solution to it. 私はデザインの専門家で、デザインの不備を見つけると、そいつが気になってしょうがない。そしてその解決方法を見つけたくなる。

KAZbrella - Turning the umbrella Inside Out


3;32 facing deportation, Calvin received another blow. his mother (2 words). she did it by text. don't call me again. ヨルダン川西岸地区へ強制送還されるカルビンくんに、また一つ問題が起きた。母親に勘当されてしまったのだ。

Gay 24-year-old: I'll be deported, then killed


0:57 so fish are actually the engine of growth. this is (5 words). 魚の出す窒素が水耕栽培の原動力。ここですべてが起こるのさ。

Aquaponic farming saves water, but can it feed the country?


1:20 Syriza party was voted to power in January (4 words) its radical campaign promises. in particular to renegotiate Greek debts, to protect pensions and to cease public cuts. 急進左派連合はギリシャの借金の返済について(棒引きも含めて)再交渉する、年金は減らさない、公務員の削減はしない、、、などの選挙公約を掲げて一月に政権を奪取した。

GREECE - Country races to offer new proposals ahead of emergency summit


0:34 he's facing mounting pressure from two major fronts. one side from the EU to enforce tough economic reforms and on the other (side) from the Greek population not to (2 words) campaign promises to end austerity.ギリシャのチプラス首相は二つの大きな圧力に直面している。一つは EU から緊縮財政を徹底しろというもの、もう一つは国民からのもので、EUには屈するなというものだ。

GREECE - Country races to offer new proposals ahead of emergency summit


5:44 I was totally (1 word) by the statement. and so moved. 私に二本の腕を提供してくださった青年のご両親の思いもよらない言葉に、私は感動のあまり言葉を失ってしまった。

Double Arm Transplant Recipient: 'A Restoration Of My Life' | NBC Nightly News


1:13 (4 words) to watch what is taking place in the celebration of Nelson Mandela's life. ネルソン・マンデラの葬儀の準備を見ているだけでも圧倒される。

Lester Holt’s Named NBC Nightly News Anchor | TODAY


1:08 you can actually watch him (2 words) in the Oscar winning documentary 'man on the wire.'

Twin Towers tightrope walker strikes again


0:10 (3 words) marks the start of the annual dog meat festival in the city where around 10,000 of (3 words) will be slaughtered for food.

Protest over dog meat festival in China


1;00 I'm Theona. the house (1 word).この会社で専属の按摩さんをやってます。

The Intern Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Anne Hathaway, Robert De Niro Movie HD


困り果てる、思案に暮れる、思い詰める、、、at wits' end です。いつも言うことですが、解釈は柔軟にすることです。英語を正しく理解できたら、日本語の出番です。この作業は残念ながらネイティブやバイリンガル、帰国子女、そして文法訳しか出来ない大学の先生方にはあまり期待できません。日本語のセンスの問題だからです。1:36 some parents come to me at their wits' end and I completely understand. 親御さんの中にはどうしていいかわからなくなっていらっしゃる方々もおります。そのようなご父兄さんのお気持ちは痛いほどお察しいたします。

Horror Movie Daycare
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmCxflqbboA  1:09 they got my wits' end. この二匹にはなす術が無いね。まったくお手上げだね。
Cat and Dog NOT Living in Harmony | My Cat From Hell
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoqfIpmy9tI  1:47 I'm at my wits' end.もっともっとスイスフランを買いたいんだが、今のところなんともならんね。
Jim Rogers' Gold Outlook for 2013
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=648JfSzZMQ8  1:04 now at their wits' end, Loretta's mom and her teachers will attempt something that's never been tried before. 万策尽き、、、
Wait 'Til Your Teacher Gets Home! (BBC Three) 1/6
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs-BrbjosuQ  0:20 Liana Crane is at her wits' end. どうしていいかわからなくなっている。
Woman Questions $941 Water Bill

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/01/blog-post_21.html  思い余るを英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/09/blog-post_873.html  英書の翻訳は日本人に限る http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/07/blog-post_7056.html  帰国子女をうらやましがってはいけない
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/07/blog-post_3088.html  水をあけるを英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2021/05/get-ones-wits-about-one.html  get one's wits about one 平常心を保つ

a-3238 at their wits' end
a-3329 at wits' end
a-6505 at wits' end
a-8531 at their wits' end
b-2129 at their wits' end
b-2754 at my wits'end
b-5821 at their wits' end
b-6334 at their wits' end
b-6677 at wits' end