
get one's wits about one 平常心を保つ

get his wits about him, have his wits about him, keep his wits about him プレッシャーの中でも冷静さを保つ。wits は素早い判断力、行動力、意識などを意味する。2:07 Blaine finally pulling his oxygen tank out, trying to get his wits about him for the most dangerous part yet.... coming back down. 酸素の薄くなった上空で、奇術師デビッド・ブレインは酸素吸入をはじめ、これから地上に向けてジャンプするための、心の準備を始めた。

Illusionist David Blaine soars above desert holding helium balloons l GMA

7;02 whilst climbing to the noose, the drama would unfold, weakened by his torture but still having his wits about him, Guy Fawkes jumped from the scaffold, his neck broke and he fell to his death being killed instantly and this spared him the horrific ordeal of his hanging quartering. ガイ・フォークスは拷問で弱っていたが、まだ意識は確かで、処刑台に上がる途中で飛び降り自殺をした。彼は首の骨を折り即死、首吊り・四つ裂きの刑を免れた。

The HORRIFIC Execution And Torture Of Guy Fawkes

1:02 I was just trying to keep my wits about me but I was so scared. 北朝鮮に捕まった私は平常心を保とうと努力したが、とても怖かった。

Laura Ling on Imprisonment in North Korea | Inside North Korea

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2015/06/blog-post_24.html  困り果るを英語でなんと言うか?