
read lips 唇の動きを読む

0:22 are you reading their lips? 二人の会話が唇の動きでわかるの?

Jane & Lisbon scenes - 6.12

3:27 one of my coping skills is, I look at the person's mouth that's talking to me, and I can read their lips. 僕の難聴への対処方は話している人の口をみて、唇の動きから話の内容を理解するんだ。

Inside The Mind Of Jaxon Cota An 11-Year-Old Kid Genius | NBC Nightly News

1:35 he also reads lips to communicate. 耳が聞こえないこの医師は人の唇の動きを読んで意思の疎通をする。

Real-life 'Iron Man': How paralyzed surgeon is able to perform surgeries: Part 1

0:54 so what did the Queen say to the president? I asked INSIDE EDITION lip-reader Larry Wenig. "thank you, well, so you're here." 読唇術者

What Did Queen Elizabeth Say to President Trump?

2:00 I read your pen. ペンの動きを読んだのさ。

#TheMentalist 5.2 - Van Pelt said "____ You!"

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2021/04/read-room.html  read the room 空気を読む
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2021/04/read-mind.html  read mind 人の心を読む