

1:42 I don't have anything to do with this book. I don't make any money off this book. I'm just recommending it. but I did need to put that up for these free market haters on YouTube who bitch and moan every time somebody tries to make money on YouTube. 私はこの本の宣伝で何も得るものはありません。ただ推薦しているだけです。しかしこのように一言付け加えるのは、誰かがyoutubeでお金を稼ごうとするとすぐに不満をたれる連中がいるからです。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_-THV9fqF8  3:58 I got a lot of respect for people who get out on streets and actually do something, you know, who actually do more than just bitch and moan. 街頭に出て何か行動を起こすやつはグタグタと文句ばっかたれる奴よりははるかにマシだね。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQtDkMTQ5l4  37:22 let them bitch and moan all they want. 何とでも言わせておけばいいさ。

b-5946 the moan
b-6054 bitches and moans
b-6525 bitch and moan