let someone have it 懲らしめる、思い知らせる。0;29 23-year-old reporter Alex Bozarjian maintained her composure, but she really let him have it on social media. 23歳のレポーターのアレックスさんは、お尻をさわられた直後、冷静を保ったが、後でツイッターでこの男性を叱りつけた。
Who’s the Man Who Slapped Reporter Live on Air?
0;43 then the robber returnes, and mom lets him have it. 閉じ込められた強盗がもどると、母親は強盗に向かって発砲した。
Mom and Daughter Turn the Tables on Suspected Robber as They Pull Out Guns
1:12 but when he landed he let Romney have it. メイン州に着いた時、トランプは自分を批判したロムニー氏を罵倒した。
Mitt Romney Unleashes Attack on Donald Trump: He is Phony and a Fraud
1:58 the friend really lets them have it. マンションの持ち主の知り合いは、この二人を雷を落とした。
Cat Sitter Gets Caught On Home Surveillance Getting Frisky In Client's Home
b-5787 lets our ignorant worker have it
b-6692 I let them have it