go swimmingly 問題なく事が運ぶ。0:06 poor Joe Biden, you know, the Savior of our economy, things were going along just perfectly swimmingly until putin started a war. 哀れなバイデン、我らが経済の守護神、はプーチンが戦争を始めるまではすべてが順風満帆だった。
The Biden Administration's Absurd "Putin's Price Hike" Talking Point, with Peter Schiff
1:25 this is not going as swimmingly as we'd hoped. 思い通りに順調には事は運ばないようだ。
BOON Official Trailer (2022)
0:18 the whole shoot went swimmingly well. it was perfect. この撮影は順調に進んだ。完璧だったよ。
Royal Family Photographer Reveals How He Made Prince George Giggle
5:49 not everything is going swimminly in trump land. トランプ王国ではすべてが問題なく回っているわけではありません。
The Trump Family's White House Hustle: The Daily Show
b-6001 go swimmingly