pump full of lead, fill full of lead 銃弾を撃ちこんで蜂の巣にする。lead は鉛、銃弾の意味。1;07 She was my lover. It was a shame that she died. But the constitution's right on my side. 'Cause I caught my lover in the neighbour's bed. I got retribution. Filled 'em all full of lead. あの娘は俺の恋人だった。彼女が死んだのは悔やまれるが、正義は私にある。彼女が隣の男と寝ている現場をおさえたから、二人を蜂の巣にして、仕返しをしてやったのさ。
Queen - Put Out The Fire (Official Video)
3:53 this poor guy pumped you full of lead. こいつはあんたを蜂の巣にしたんだ。
Meet the Guys Who Made the EXACT COPY of The Back to the Future Set! | Expedition Back To The Future
1:30:39 had they been provoked and Chapo Guzmán just made any slight movement towards that weapon, he would have not been able to fit in a casket with all the lead that would have been pumped into his body. もしも、メキシコの海兵隊がエル・チャポの挑発や些細な抵抗を受けていたら、エル・チャポの体は大量の銃弾を浴びて、棺桶にもおさまらないくらい(膨らんで)いたことだろう。
The Fragile Empires Of The Worlds Most Infamous Drug Lords | Our History
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2024/02/blog-post.html キンドルを活用する
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2024/02/20240204shokz.html shokz は便利