bully pulpit は偉そうなことを宣(のたま)えられる壇上、という意味です。大統領の権威を意味する言葉です。0:01 Roosevelt is the first person that defined the term 'bully pulpit.' and what he meant by it was that the President has an unparalleled platform to educate the country and to have moral fervor delivered to the country so that the people themselves will become extraordinarily interested in certain programs and push the congress which in his time was reluctant to act on the problems of the industrialites and push them to take action. so he really thought of it as a pulpit in the sense that it was a moral platform but the bully in his time didn't meant what we think of as bully now. it meant awesome or splendid or great. 「崇高な壇上」とはルーズベルト大統領の言葉で、米国大統領の地位は国民を啓蒙したり、士気を高め、やる気の無い議会を動かすための格好の手段だった。bully という言葉については、当時は崇高な、素晴らしいくらいの意味で、現在の弱いものいじめのような意味ではなかった。
Doris Kearns Goodwin: The Power of Teddy Roosevelt's Bully Pulpit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNIeIsbrYRE 0:45 and the President used that bully pulpit to call for change. そして、オバマ大統領は大統領の権威を笠に着てケニアにチェーンジを呼びかけた。
Obama Pushes For End To Corruption In Kenya | NBC Nightly News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gldXct0oSo 1:22 President Obama took his bully pulpit to Norfolk, Virginia. オバマはバージニア州のノーフォークに向かった。注;ここで何で、何かしらの注文をつけることが予想できます。
Three days to cuts: Where's Congress?