
私がすすめる医学英語 2017/05/26-b

tetanus 破傷風 は紹介済み。別名 lockjaw もしっかりと頭に入れておこう。 0:04 ... but one woman says she recently cleaned her grill and then cooked burgers. and the minute she bit into her burger, one of these hard metal bristles got stuck in her tongue. she had to go to the doctor, get a tetanus shot and antibiotics. ワイヤーブラシでグリルを磨いてそこでハンバーグを焼いて食べたらそのブラシの毛が舌に突き刺さり、医者に行って破傷風の注射を打って貰い、抗生剤をもらった、とある女性は言う。

Woman's tongue punctured by bristle from metal grill brush: Digital Short