面白い動画を載せる。2:28 Imagine you are an American who works with his hands — a truck driver, a construction worker, an oil rig mechanic — and you have just lost your job because of the lockdowns, as have more than 36 million people. You turn on the television and you hear medical experts, academics, technocrats and journalists explain that we must keep the economy closed — in other words, keep you unemployed — because public health is important. now,all these people making the case on TV have jobs, have maintained their standards of living and in fact are now in greater demand. They feel they are doing important work. You, on the other hand, have lost your job. You feel a sense of worthlessness, and you’re terrified about your family’s day-to-day survival. Is it so hard to understand why people like this might be skeptical of the experts? The covid-19 divide is a class divide. 大意;コロナの影響でブルーカラーは職を失いテレビをつけると偉そうな奴らが隔離してコロナを封じ込めろと言うが、奴らには職があり、引っ張りだこになっている。テレビを見ているあなたは職を失っていて、食うにも困っている。あなたのように職を失った人間がテレビで偉そうなことばかり言う人間たちを信用できないのを理解するのはそう難しくはないでしょう。コロナは世間を隔離賛成派と隔離反対派に二分してしまったのです。
Fareed Zakaria: The Covid-19 divide is a class divide