
music was my escape

music was my escape. 現実逃避先は音楽でした。名詞の escape には現実を忘れさせてくれるものくらいの意味がある。そのような趣味かもしれないし場所かもしれない。1:12 Lying in the hospital bed with like bandages (from) head to foot, not being able to move or do anything else, music was my escape. and that's why it means so much to me.

America's Got Talent Contestant Survives A Deadly Plane Crash

2:06 I really feel like my home has kind of become my little escape. 我が家こそ私のひそかな隠れ家のような気がする。

Escape Into Frette With Elettra Wiedemann

0:01 welcome back. you know about Mar-a-Lago but did you know President Trump owns another warm weather escape? もう一つの南国の別荘

Trump's Caribbean White House

2:58 Gygax said it provided an escape. ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズの考案者はこのゲームは現実からの逃避を提供してくれるとコメントした。

Dungeons & Dragons: Satanic Panic | Retro Report | The New York Times

0;59 Christie defending his holiday escape.

Gov. Chris Christie unapologetic about beach photos

1:22 loneliness is my hiding place.

Queen - Life Is Real (Song For Lennon) (Official Lyric Video)

0:16 no escape from reality.

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (Official Video)

0:10 and recently these short trips into forests have now proven to be much more than relaxing getaways.

Forest bathing: The latest health craze in Japan

b-1954 an escape