小笠原諸島と言えば父島のことだと考えていい。ここには約二千人住んでいる。故ブッシュ大統領は太平洋戦争時に父島の海域で撃墜されている。そして2002年に彼は父島を訪れている。8:34 it was at that time that former President George Bush, a pilot in the US Navy, was shot down. he was the only survivor of a horrific ordeal on the island. but President Bush returned to Chichijima in 2002 to remember those that were lost on that tragic day and put the events behind him.
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0:55 if somebody didn't pick me up, I would have been captured and killed. they were very brutal on Chichijima. もし救助されなかったら、日本軍に捕まって殺されていただろう。やつらは残酷だったからな。