言った通りに受け取ることで、take someone at his wordのような言い方をします0:14 when Sergei Polonsky,once one of the world's richest businessmen, said he was sick tired of "useless" discussions and said he would rather beat someone instead, Lebedev took him at his word かつての大富豪のポロンスキー氏は無駄な討論よりも実力行使のほうが手っ取り早いといい、レベデフ氏はそれを真に受けた。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVTP_khvlsk 12:55 I take you at your word. あなたの言い分を額面どおりに受け取りますよ 13:18 I just took at your word
a-320 take you at your word
a-3120 take him at his word