

化粧水(toner/astringent)はあまり重要ではなくastringent(肌に優しい、ピリピリしない)から否定の接頭辞のaをとったstringent(優しくない、厳しい)のほうが重要です。0:43 The stringent measures come with Ireland half-way through an eight year cycle of cuts to reduce its budget deficit as part of an EU-IMF bailout after its famed Celtic Tiger economy went from boom to bust.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOXRq1Y2OtQ 0:12 in advance of making the announcement at the press conference, the prime minister had warned (that) they would be the most stringent measures introduced since 1945.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiVzV4Dbrvo 5:00 even with the most stringent kind of controls,,,you are really going to miss things as long as there are people who are determined to attack you. どんなに厳重な警備でも危害を企てている連中がいる限り警備上の不備は存在する
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV5tdBcApv0 1:42 Sony hasn't met its stringent security requirements ソニーはセキュリティー上の厳格な基準を満たしていない。

a-2525 stringent building regulations
b-3012 stringent COVID restrictions
b-5895 stringent environmental protection agency standards