Laws of Attraction Full Movie (Comedy, Romance) 3:03 once the war was over, he would have a snowball's chance in hell to pass this, he needed to get this thing through with great haste. リンカーン大統領が奴隷解放宣言を急いだのは南北戦争が終わってしまえば奴隷解放の道は永遠に閉ざされてしまうのを危惧したからだ。
参考リンク 1:50 it was all hellfire and brimstone. ここの教会の説法はとにかく信者を脅しまくる。 not a chance not to change the subject, but
a-3123 not a snowball's chance in hell
a-9262 has no chance in hell of winning
a-9267 it doesn't have a snowball's chance
a-9834 have a snowball's chance in hell
b-1233 a hard freeze in hell こちんこちんに凍結した灼熱地獄 とはあり得ないの意味。
b-1720 no chance in hell
b-3314 doesn't have a chance in hell
b-5842 a snowball's chance in hell