2:40 how Xi will tackle his problems is anyone's guess. China's leaders play their cards close to the vest. 習近平が山積する問題解決にどのように対処するかは未知数だ。中国の指導者たちは手の内を容易に明かさないからだ。 0:47 the director Sam Mendes kept his cards close to his chest. ディレクターのメンデス氏が新しい007映画の内容についてあまり語りたがらないので仔細は不明だ。
参考リンク 手の内を明かすを英語でなんと言うか? うまく立ち回るを英語でなんと言うか?
a-1056 kept his cards very close to his vest
a-1656 close to his chest
a-8738 playing his cards close to his chest
a-9518 kept the plans to begin the Senate impeachment trial of former president donald trump close to the vest
b-0877 keeping their cards close to their chest
b-1012 held her card closerto her vest
b-4061 keep them rather close to their vest