rub hands with gleeはさがせばどこかに載っているかもしれませんが、そんなことに時間を費やすよりは聴いておぼえるほうが利口です。0:10 I assume you're rubbing your hands with glee Mr Farage? 今回のキャメロン首相の判断にはもみ手で歓迎でしょうね? 0:01 after one of the wettest summers for years, it's easy to see why the tourist trade in places such as Scarborough is belatedly rubbing its hands with glee. 近年にしては珍しい湿度の高い夏だったのでスカボラのような所で観光産業が今頃になって書き入れ時になっているのもうなずける。! 29:27 That I find fascinating, because the Chinese are just sitting there, on the sidelines, rubbing their hands, just waiting on the opportunity. 0:39 (any) Euro-skeptic who might be rubbing their hands in glee about the outcome of the summit should be careful for what they wish for. 2:56 energy companies are rubbing their hands in the anticipation of gigantic profits from fracking. シェールガス採掘会社はもみ手で巨額の利益を見込んでいる。
参考リンク 両手を広げてを英語でなんと言うか?
a-1947 rubbing their hands