

スラム街といえばなんとなく黒人の貧困層が住む地区のような感じです。skid rowといえば人種についてのニュアンスは払拭されます。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VcVaAg3N6w 0:36 Los Angeles's notorious skid row
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPI_dx7Yxy4  1:38 the risks are spreading beyond skid row この危険な行為は貧困層だけの問題ではない。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICx3AfSlc-w&list=PLCD01D4FBF6DA5C1F&index=151&feature=plpp_video 2:09 We live in a city where people are one pay check away from being homeless. If you go down on skid row, that’s what you see. People lost an apartment, they wound up there and it becomes a cycle you can’t get out of.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVtV_X9-Ku8 0:06 a charity that serves the poor and the homeless in the rundown section of the city called skid row 市内のskid rowと呼ばれるさびれた一廓(いっかく)の貧しい人々やホームレスを世話する慈善団体。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N92JVPBREJY 0:11 just a stone's throw, from skid row. すぐ裏は貧民街だ。

a-3026 skid row
a-3780 Skid Row
a-8450 Book Row
a-8886 Skid Row