

2:28 we took his name, started to investigate and we found that he had lived across the street from Angie at the time. the odds of that are not very high so then we went and were able to (1 word) get a sample of his DNA off of a cigarette and compare it and that's where we got the match. 浮上した名前を手がかりに捜査を開始すると、容疑者は当時、強姦され殺害されたアンジーさんの向かいに住んでいた。こうも偶然が重なる確立は高くはない。だから、警察は容疑者のタバコの吸殻からひそかにDNAサンプルを入手してアンジーさんの体内に残された精液のDNAを比べてみた。すると二つのDNAは一致した。

Mom Helps Get Release of Man Convicted in Teen's Murder