
been around the block 経験がある

been around the block 人生経験を積んで来た、酸いも甘いも噛み分ける。0:16 I know I may not look like it, but I've been around a while. そうは見えないかも知れないが、私は長い間、色々な経験をして来た。

Biden pokes fun at age criticisms in closing State of the Union remarks

2:15 this is the woman who has been around the block a few times. ゲイ学長は人生経験が豊富なお方だ。

Firing Harvard president threatens DEI movement: Vittert | On Balance

2;49 no offence, but it means your daughter looks like she's been around the block more times than a good humor man. 気分を害するつもりはないけど、あなたのお嬢さんはアイスクリーム売りよりも、全然長く生きているように見えるわ。

The Golden Girls: Dorothy's Son engaged to older woman.

1:25 but he is an experienced player, he's a player who has been around the block a few times. so I've no doubt that he will come back from this. ダビド・ナルバンディアン選手は経験豊富な選手、で辛酸もなめてきたので、この一件から立ち直ると私は信じている。

Tennis Player David Nalbandian's London Temper Tantrum Caught on Tape

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2024/02/blog-post.html   キンドルを活用する
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2024/02/20240204shokz.html   shokz は便利

b-6170 you've been around the block