
pleasantries, pleasantry 社交辞令

pleasantry は pleasantries 複数でよく使われる。社交辞令、挨拶。2:02 you may dispense with the pleasantries, commander. 司令官、かたい挨拶は抜きにしよう。

Star Wars Episode VI Return Of The Jedi Opening Scene HD720p

0:28 we exchanged pleasntries. お互い挨拶を交わした。

Dirty Jobs' Mike Rowe on Lamb Castration, PETA, and American Labor

0;39 omit the customary pleasantries, Miss Moneypenny. we're pressed for time. マニーペニー、ボンドに社交辞令はいらん。時間がないんだ。

A View To A Kill (1985) - Mission briefing

2;46 spare me the unpleasantries. 無駄な挨拶はいらん。

Kenneth Tsang in ‘Die Another Day’ (2002)

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