
open-and-shut 単純明快な、明々白々の

open-and-shut 明白な。ドアを開けたらすぐに閉められるほど、早く解決できる、が語源のようだ。4;47 it seems pretty open-and-shut to me. マスク氏の「現金配布」はすぐに違法だとわかる。

Jimmy Kimmel Brutally Slams Elon Musk For Buying A Throne For Trump

0;13 Found any holes? Oh you didn't have to put him in the hospital. Other than that, damn fine police work. It's open and shut.警察の調べで何かまずいことでもあったか?バーを入院させる必要はなかったな。それ以外は「いい仕事してますねぇ」だ。単純な事件だな。

Jack Reacher - What does an army cop do?

1;12 this should be an open and shut case. ビデオのおかげで、この事件はすぐに判決が下る。

Video shows two cyclists hit by SUV outside DFW Airport

0:01 the case of donald trump's second impeachment trial was open and shut. トランプの二度目の弾劾裁判は、簡単に決着がついた。

Schumer: Guilty is the only correct verdict in Trump's trial