ECOFIN meet in Luxembourg 7;40 does it seem that Einstein contradicted himself? that his words can be cherry-picked for quotes to support both sides of an argument? アインシュタインは神を信じ科学を追求したことで自己に矛盾したのか?どちらの論理も通るように彼の言った言葉が都合よく引用されたのか?
Dawkins in Lynchburg VA (part 1) The God Delusion 6:49 now you might say well that's an extremely unusual example, and I wouldn't want to be guilty of the same kind of cherry-picking and selective referencing that I'm accusing other people of. お手盛りで「美味しいとこ食い」をしている奴らを批判する私も美味しいとこ食いをしているとは言われたくないね。
Ben Goldacre: What doctors don't know about the drugs they prescribe 13:21 you're doing the cherry-picking. because you chose the story.
RICHARD DAWKINS: Is The Bible Still Relevant Today - [THE BIG QUESTIONS]
参考リンク 食わず嫌いを英語でなんと言うか?