

えり抜く single out です。0:24 African American men shown here in protective gear as well as Japanese American (men) and Puerto Rican soldiers were singled out. 黒人、日本人、プエルトリコ人にマスタードガスの初期人体実験のお鉢が回ってきた

Why the U.S. military exposed minority soldiers to toxic mustard gas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv05Hmu-rFQ  2:01 why is it that Zhou Yongkang was singled out of others? なぜ、周永康だけが目を付けられたのですか?
China's ex-security chief sentenced to life
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMjto82VQlw  0:27 he watched as his black friends were singled out. 黒人の友達だけが狙い撃ちされた。
Texas Cop Resigns after Pool Party Controversy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXCYEfbd7Bg  1;06 a CVS worker singled her out on a store intercom. ロメロさんはラテン系であることを理由にCVS薬局の店員に槍玉に挙げられた。
Lawsuit Claims CVS Required Employees To Racially Profile Shoppers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2zlWm9OK-M&feature=feedu  2:11 we didn't single out any car manufacturer. アメリカ政府は日本のトヨタ自動車だけを狙い撃ちにしてはいない。 US Probe Finds No Electronic Flaws in Recalled Toyotas

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/06/blog-post_37.html  えり好みするを英語でなんと言うか?