
move the needle

move the needle とは(録音機の針を動かすほどの)変化をもたらすという意味。1;34 since WWII, which is how many years ago? 60, 70 years ago, there have been 20 different substantial efforts to reform the regulatory system. none of them have moved the needle. 金融システムの構造改革は太平洋戦争から20回ほど試みてきたが、どれもうまくはいかなかったのだよ。

Paul Volcker: Our bank regulation is 'rickety'
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOG24mXhKWY  2:37 however the scare tactics have not worked and don't you need public consensus to move the needle on this? 地球温暖化について、恐怖心を煽るやり方は通用していないから、もっと民意を尊重したやり方のほうが効果的じゃないんでしょうか?
Conservative Pundits Demand Bill Nye Stop Bullying Them on Climate Change
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkF8Hpjs0UA  0:54 with all the money that's been spent in this campaign in some ways though Tony, it really hasn't move the needle. 今回の大統領選もこれだけの金をつぎ込んでも、何一つ変えられなかった。
Tavis Smiley calls poverty 'greatest threat' to US democracy

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/05/blog-post_31.html  目に見える結果を英語でなんと言うか?

b-4544 move the needle
b-4922 move the sentencing needle