

1:39 Jerome Powell was a real dove when the times were the worst. now we still need him but let’s see if we can do the hard part which is (4 words), making many people angry because we are going to have to totally stop tapering and we are going to have to raise rates – inflation is out of control. 再任されたパウエル議長は大変な時期にはハト(おとなしかった)だった。二期目の彼が困難な仕事が出来るか見てみましょう。それは国民の感情とは逆に量的緩和をきっぱりと止めて、金利を思い切って引き上げることです。(そうしなければ、)インフレは制御不能になるのです。

Biden gives Fed's Powell nod for second term