日本人にしては英語がうまい you can speak good English for a Japanese. 前置詞の for に注意。0;41 and even though this 21.84 is an unbelievable time for an 18 year old 18際にしてはこの21秒84というタイムは驚きだが、、、
THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE!! || Christine Mboma Shocks The World - 2021 Diamond League 200 Meter Dash
4:06 he's well spoken for an 18 year old. カイル・リッテンハウスは18歳にしてはしっかりと話す。
Hear Rittenhouse's message to Biden
2:15 nice legs for a human. 人間にしてはいい足をしている。
Nice Legs... For A Human
0:35 he is in very good health for his age.
World's oldest man marks 113th birthday in Venezuela
b-1254 for a baby her age
b-1324 for a cop
b-2874 for his age
b-4904 for CBS
b-5431 for someone who likes food