
old lady, old ball and chain 妻

old lady, old ball and chain    0:21 who is that? his old lady. この人は誰?彼の妻よ。0;38 the old ball and chain. 家内だよ。

The Other Guys: He can't believe his work partner is married to someone that beautiful

5:07 my old lady didn't like the hours I kept so,,,, 家内が勤務時間を嫌ったから、警察を辞めたのさ。

The Four Characters Played by Val Avery | Columbo

3:17 who's that? your old lady? その写真は?奥さんか?

Monk is In Jail | Monk

0:47 you know, my wife, the old ball and chain. うちのカミさん、山の神。

Unhappy Wife Dunks on Husband Publicly Through Web Comics