
to the best of my ability 自分の能力の及ぶ限り

to the best of my ability基幹部分は to the best of になる。0;17 ... and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend ,,,,

President Obama takes the Oath of Office

1:23 to the best of our knowledge, we would think that there's a low chance of spread in that type of setting. 我々の知る限り、飛行機内での接待でサル痘が感染する確率は低いと思っています。

Flight Attendants Claim They Caught Monkeypox

0;27 and if the senate does me the honor of confirming me, I pledge to discharge the responsibilities of this job to the very best of my ability. もし上院で承認を受ければ、私は全身全霊を傾けて最高裁判所判事としての職務を全うする所存です。

Listen to Amy Coney Barrett's full speech after Supreme Court nomination

0:55 to the best of my knowledge the people that knocked down the World Trade Center, you know where they're (from), they didn't fly back to Sweden. 私の知る限り9/11で世界貿易センターを攻撃した奴らは、どこから来たか知ってるだろ。彼らは攻撃の後、スウェーデンに飛んで帰って行ったわけじゃない。

Donald Trump dodges Colbert's question about Obama