
beat someone at their own game

beat someone at their own game 相手の得意な分野で相手を負かす。1:01 beat you at your own game. パパの土俵でパパをやっつける?

The king of customer service | Kim’s Convenience

0;59 if you want to win, you need to peek into their playbook, so you can beat them at their own game. もしバーゲンセールでお得な買い物をしたければ、お店の作戦を知っておく必要があります、そうすれば、お店の裏をかいて賢い買い物ができます。

Christmas Shopping Wars: Retailer Tricks of the Trade

9:14 some scientists decided to play evolution at its own game. マラリアを媒介する蚊を撲滅するために科学者たちは「進化」を逆手に取った。

The World If… malaria drugs stop working

0;50 and the following goes down in history as one of the only times a man single-handedly beat the cops at their own game. これから紹介する動画は容疑者が取調室で警察官を手玉にとっている様子を記録した歴史に残るものだ。

When The Suspect Is Smarter Than The Detective

b-3950 beating the Soviets at their own game