
The enemy of my enemy is my friend  敵の敵は味方

The enemy of my enemy is my friend たとえ相手が敵であっても、共通の敵がいれば相手を味方にできる、の意味。3:37 the enemy of my enemy is my friend. 例え、カーンの奴が敵でも、マーカス提督と戦うなら、カーンは味方だ。

Star Trek Into Darkness - Pleads of Mercy, Scottys Saves the Day, Kirk & Spock Development

1:22 the enemy of my enemy is my friend. that seems to be what's driving Japan and South Korea together. 敵の敵は味方、この心理が日本と韓国を協力させている。

Japan and South Korea meet for the first time in 12 years | DW News

4:10 your enemy's enemy is your friend. 敵の敵は味方

Putin's No 1 enemy Bill Browder says dictator has 'no reverse gear' and war will get worse