
in an effort to , in efforts to

in an effort to , in efforts to 何かを達成するために努力をする。 2:31 making up events that didn't occur in an effort to bamboozle voters into believing that you are the right person to represent them is wrong. 自分こそ代議士にふさわしいと有権者に信じ込ませるよう有権者を騙し有りもしないことをでっち上げるのは正しいやり方ではない。

Rep. George Santos survives House vote to expel him from Congress

1:55 during the Russian Revolution of 1917, a large number of Russian refugees fled to China, particularly to the city of Harbin, in an effort to escape from political instability, economic hardships, and persecution. 1917年のロシア革命のとき、多くのロシア人が不安定な政治、経済的困窮、そして迫害からのがれるために中国、特にハルビン市に逃れた。

China's Secret Russian Community: The Russian Chinese  注;1917年のロシア革命 = 十月革命 = Red October

0:01 in 1945, the United States dropped the second of two atomic bombs on Japan in an effort to hasten the end of World War II. 昭和20年に米国は戦争終結を早めるため二発目の原子爆弾を投下した。

Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors share their stories

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