you do you
2:10 you have six minutes until opening. oh, yeah, here, you do you. do your thing. 開店まであと6分です。ああ、うん。ほら、自分のことをやって。支度を。
A Day With a Barista in One of NYC's Busiest Coffee Shops | On the Job | Priya Krishna | NYT Cooking
29:03 hey, you do you. 自分のお金は自分が好きなように使えばいい。
M1 Max MacBook Pro Review! Real-World Tests. The laptop ceiling has been shattered.
the French have a saying "Parlez-vous français?"(do you speak French?)" which means you do you, girl. フランスにはあなたフランス語を話せるの?という言い方がある。その意味は自分の道を行けだ。
What’s Next for Tom Brady After Retiring From the NFL?
1:00 you do you. I do me, okay ? あんたはあんた、私は私。わかった?
Champions Trailer #1 (2023)