
cower すくむ

cower 恐怖ですくみ上がる、ちぢこまること。0:36 we won't be cowered by terrorists. イギリス人はテロリストには怯えない。

Sadiq Khan: To those who want to harm us, you won't succeed

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwhieVc2XEo  0:18 you should cower with shame. 私のエロ写真を撒き散らしているハッカー野郎に、恥を知って隅にちぢこまってろ!
Instant Index: Eiffel Tower Renovation Expands View of Paris

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--Mu1Zzg34c  0:55 As the river and beach were pummeled from the skies, children cried and screamed in horror, cowering under trees 木陰に逃げ込んだ.
Dramatic storm: Freak Russian hailstorm sends beachgoers screaming on hot summer day

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWRjHXbLz9M  0:38 currently cowering under a bush. 茂みの中ですくんでいる。
Domestic violence - Banded brothers (The Mongoose Mob) - BBC

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG-dZF2Xz8o  4:50 children cowering in terror. 怖くてしゃがんでいた。
Signs of radioactivity return to Japan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAtsa0BbJMM  0:38 Iraq strongman was finally found by US troops cowering in a hole near Tikrit. 穴に身を潜めていた
Saddam nostalgia lives on

b-2759 cowers in a corner