
MSRP メーカー希望小売価格

MSRP = manufacturer's suggested retail price 7:59 let's put a price tag on our little orange friend. the base is around two and a quarter million dollars or roughly 45 years of the US median income. ではこのオレンジのブガッティ・ヴェイロンはいくらかと言いますと、基準価格は$2,250,000 MSRP (メーカー希望小売価格)です。別の言い方だと、平均的なアメリカ人が45年働けばやっと買える車です。

CNET On Cars - Highest rated tech cars of 2013 - Ep. 32

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhLY1KUTpj8  3:46 how much is this going to cost you? this (A2B) Alva+ is going to run you $3299. that's the MSRP.
This electric bicycle peps up your pedal power

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qLqt59CKFI  3:37 I spent more than 10 grand fixing it, but I still own this bi-turbo beauty for less than 10% of its original MSRP. 直すのに100万以上かかったけど、それでもかかった全費用は新車を買う10分の一以下だぜ。
I Bought a Broken Mercedes S600 V12 for $4500.... 1 Year Update!