
prior to something に先だって

prior to somethingbefore something happens のことです。 0:30 hitting him in the face with the hard part of her hand, clawing at him and screaming at the top of her lungs; all things she learned during the 2-hour self-defense class she took just a few weeks prior to this incident. この強姦未遂事件の数週間前に習った護身術すべてを活用した。

Woman Says She Fought Off Sex Offender Who Attacked Her After Self-Defense Class

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivqiQBPMX-8  1:42 three days prior to Saturday  
American artist Ashley Olsen found dead in Italy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa_b-vuI29k   0:01 The veteran wingsuit flyer Victor Kovats has died after failing to deploy his parachute prior to landing at the world championships in China.
Veteran wingsuit jumper dies in horrible accident in China

a-5681 prior to