
recuse, recusal

recuse とは、裁判官などが利害関係の存在等の理由で自らを審理から外す、こと。recusal は recuse の名詞形。0:30 I have now decided to recuse myself from any existing or future investigations of any matter relating in any way to the campaign for President of the United States. 司法長官であるこの私にロシア疑惑がかかっているので、ロシアの大統領選挙干渉の真相究明の陣頭指揮を執る任から降りることにした。

Jeff Sessions QUITS Trump's White House investigation into Russia scandal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNW_QO817Gs  0:37 other Executive Branch officials must recuse themselves on certain issues, and divest themselves of certain investments. 大統領、副大統領には利害対立問題が適用されないが、閣僚たちは特定の問題と関わりあったりしてはいけないし、利益相反を問われるような投資があれば、それを処分しなければならない。
Trump Can Bypass Conflict of Interest Laws. Here's Why

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEzgjToiUlo  3:05 though if he does serve in the White House, as is custom for most Federal officials, he will likely be asked to recuse himself from particular matters that will impact his family's financial interests. that would include Trump's businesses.
No Official White House Roles for Trump's Children

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Woabz6NXm2g  1;58 I believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fine, he's Hispanic, which is fine, and we haven't asked for a recusal, which we may do, but we have a judge who's very hostile. 私のトランプ偽大学の詐欺事件の審理担当するのがラテン系の判事だとさ。この件から身を引けと言いたいところだが、奴は敵対心丸出しの嫌な判事だ。
Trump Says Judge in Trump University Case Biased Because He's Hispanic

a-8779 recused himself from forming a new cabinet