

0:53 we build guitars from reclaimed lumber from these old New York city buildings. the materials I use are so much better than like lumberyard wood. so the wood I get now from these old buildings has been indoors for 170 years but it also came from old-growth trees that were like 400 years old. so that's a real plus as the wood is (4 words). ギターの材料には古民家の廃材を使っている。古材は材木屋の木材よりも断然質がいい。私の使う古材は築170年ものからきていて、それは樹齢400年の木材が材料だった。材料になる木材がこれほど乾いていて古いことは本当にプラスになる。

Generation Maker: 'Bones of old NY' become custom guitars