Trump angered by how previous DNI handled intelligence briefing | WNT
0:13 chief strategist, Steve Bannon is licking his wounds after a public dressing-down by President. 大統領首席戦略官のスティーブ・バノンは大統領から公然と叱責され、いまだその傷口をなめている。
Gary Cohn's White House influence on the rise
1:41 if reports are to be believed, Frau Merkel gave the President a rather stern dressing-down. 報道によれば、メルケル女史はオバマ大統領に盗聴問題について厳しく叱責したそうな。
Cameron backs US and warns against 'helping our enemies'
2:17 it's very Spanish-style here, very urban, dressed-down. ニューヨークのコロナはスペイン風で、都会っぽくて、カジュアルだ。
Street Style in Corona, Queens | Intersection | The New York Times
a-7742 give his fellow citizens a dressing-down
b-1124 was given a dressing-down
b-1835 dressed down
b-3110 a good dressing-down