
Lieutenant 発音

Lieutenant ルーテナントが米国式、レフテナントが英国式。つづりを見ると、lieu + tenant と分解できそうだ。8;52 Lieutenant, I wish you had been a chef. コロンボ刑事、あんたはシェフになるべきだった。ルーテナント

"Lieutenant, I Wish You Had Been A Chef!" - Murder Under Glass | Columbo

0:21 Lieutenant columbo レフテナント 0;47 that's all very fine, Lieutenant.レフテナント

Columbo Examines Murder On a Cruise Ship | Columbo

13:05 is this a classic case of the underlings the lieutenants too afraid to tell the boss the strongman putin the truth? プーチンが戦争の現状を把握できていないのは、下の連中が怖くて上司に物が言えないことの典型例ですか?レフテナント

Ukraine Russia Conflict: Heavy shelling in Mariupol as Zelenskyy vows never to give up Kyiv

0:20 sorry, Lieutenant. they don't tell me anything. 刑事さん、すまないね。何も聞いてなかったので。ルーテナント

'Columbo Goes to College' in 12 Minutes | Recap - S10 EP1 | Columbo

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2021/06/in-lieu-of-instead-of-in-place-of.html   in lieu of = instead of, in place of

b-3356 Lieutenant